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MAYASA is committed in guaranteeing the accessibility of its contents to all users, regardless of their physical, cognitive or technological capacities. MAYASA website meets the level "A" accessibility.

This statement includes those pages which are part of the domain and it excludes those pages which take us to external links, as well as the contents that are placed into this web but which come from other servers.

The Web address has been created on the basis of the content-accessibility norms provided by the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) an entity created by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

In case you find any difficulties due to accesibility problems, we will appreciate any information about it. We will be grateful if you can send any suggestions to improve our service. Your personal experience could be an important contribution to the progressive improvement of this web.

The functions specified below have been included in this Web with the aim of facilitating its access by differently abled persons:

Navigation short-cuts

La tecla de tabulado le permite saltar directamente a los vínculos más esenciales presentes en cada página, en orden lógico.


The tab key allows you to skip directly to the most fundamental links which are present in each page, following a logic order.

Letters size

This Web allows you a full control regarding the size of the letter applied to its contents. In order to change them, please use the Visualization display on your navigator.

Style pages

Esta Web hace uso de Hojas de Estilo (Cascading Style Sheets) para la presentación visual de sus contenidos. Sin embargo, el uso de "tags" estructurales en su código permite la visualización y fácil comprensión de dichos contenidos en aquellos casos en que su navegador no acepte dichas Hojas de Estilo.


This Web can be viewed, navigated and used without Java script.


The text of all the links shows their meaning clearly.

Screen resolution

Minimum screen resolution recommended is 1024x768 pixels, although other resolutions are also valid.

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